
5 Common Forex Mistakes

Forex trading is more popular than ever and it's a known fact that everything about Forex trading can be specifically learned but 95% of traders still lose. So how do you avoid the losing majority and enter the elite 5% of traders, who make huge gains? Let's find out.

Here are the reasons the vast majority of traders lose and there all avoidable mistakes.

1. They think they can get rich with no effort

These traders follow cheap software packages which claim big gains with no effort and they soon get wiped out. If you want to make money, you need to make an effort - it's as simple as that.

2. Not Understanding the Dangers of Leverage

Leverage can work for or against you and most traders simply leverage their money to much and get wiped out. Over leveraging an account, will sooner or later lead to a wipe out so use sensible leverage. Leverage of 10 or 20:1 is enough for most traders.

3. Over Trading

Forex trends last for many weeks, months or years yet, most traders try and scalp a few pips in a day or two. The result is they take low odds trades, lose or make marginal gains which never cover their inevitable losses.

Keep in mind, you don't get rewarded for how much you trade, just how much you make per trade! So focus on high odds trades which are long term.

4. Over Complicating a Trading System

Many traders think 10 indicators are better than 2 but this is not true. If you make your system to complex, with to many rules, it will simply have too many elements to break in real time trading. All the best systems are simple and yours should be too.

5. Not Trading With Discipline

If you want to enjoy profits longer term, you need to have strict money management and trade with discipline. This means you take your losses and keep them small -Sounds simple?

Well most traders can't do it, they let their emotions get involved, run losses or override their system rules and lose. Forex trading is not about ego or being right all the time, it's about making money and you can actually lose far more trades than you win and still make money, if you run your profits and cut your losses.

All traders even the top ones, will lose for periods and you will too and how you deal with these losses, will determine if you enjoy long term currency trading success or not.

Winning at Forex Trading

If you want to win at Forex trading you can. You need a simple robust trading strategy you have confidence in combined with the discipline to trade it.

You need to keep losses small and run your profits - this has always been the way to succeed and always will be. If you put in the effort and have the right mindset, no other business can make you as much money as global Forex.

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